Languages evolve all the time. English, too, was born a long time ago, and has never stopped changing since then. It was born from a mixture of different languages brought by different peoples over more than 2000 years of history. You can imagine English as a big soup, where everybody contributed by putting in some …
During Victorian England urban poverty was visible in degraded areas of London. The diet of English workers at that time was based on bread and potatoes, with bacon when extra earnings could be saved, as well as one of the most famous British fast food: fish and chips. The main problem of Londoners during the …
Let’s be honest, English pronunciation is not easy, nor are some place names we often come across when we travel through the UK, look at a map or read an article. The reason why there are so many exceptions in pronunciation is due to the fact that the language of the British Isles has undergone …
In medieval times, the English language was enriched by a large number of words coming from Old Norse, the language of the Vikings, and French, after the Norman conquest of 1066. Words such as sky, skull, berserk, bull, cake, egg, fog, guest, kid, knife, knot, lad, mistake, plough, race, reindeer, saga, skin, skirt, wing, window, …
From the beginnings to the Norman Conquest (500 BC – 1066 AD).