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B1/B2 Reading Comprehension: The Story of Coyote, the Clever Trickster

In the ancient days of Native American folklore, there lived a mischievous and clever character named Coyote. Coyote was known far and wide as the ultimate trickster, and his stories have been told for generations around campfires.

Coyote was a sly and cunning creature who could shape-shift and outwit just about anyone or anything. He often roamed the vast plains and deserts of North America, causing chaos and laughter wherever he went.

One day, as Coyote was trotting along a riverbank, he spotted a group of birds chattering and laughing in the trees. He couldn’t resist joining their conversation.

“Hey, my fine feathered friends! What’s all the commotion about?” Coyote asked.

One wise old owl replied, “Coyote, we’re talking about the moon. We’re planning a grand feast in its honor.”

Coyote’s ears perked up at the mention of a feast. “A feast, you say? How can I join in the celebration?”

The birds whispered among themselves and finally agreed to let Coyote join their feast. However, they gave him one important task: to fetch the moon, which they believed was hidden in a nearby lake.

Coyote, always up for a challenge, agreed and headed to the lake. When he reached the water’s edge, he gazed at the moon’s reflection shimmering on the surface. With a sly grin, he decided to take a shortcut.

Coyote reached into the water to grab the moon’s reflection, but it slipped away like a silvery fish. He tried again and again, but the moon remained elusive. Hours passed, and Coyote grew tired and frustrated.

Finally, he returned to the birds empty-handed. “I couldn’t catch the moon,” he confessed. “It kept slipping through my fingers.”

The birds burst into laughter. “Coyote,” the wise owl said, “the moon’s reflection can never be caught. It’s a trick of the light.”

Coyote felt embarrassed but laughed along with the birds. He had learned that even the cleverest trickster could be tricked.

From that day on, Coyote continued to play tricks and get into all sorts of mischief, but he also learned to appreciate the wisdom of others. His adventures and stories became lessons for generations, reminding them that while cleverness was a gift, humility and wisdom were equally valuable traits. And so, Coyote, the Native American trickster, remains a beloved character, sharing laughter and wisdom with those who listen to his tales.

10 Colour Idioms

Impariamo alcuni modi di dire relativi ai colori. Tra parentesi la traduzione letterale del modo dire e in corsivo la traduzione che si utilizza in italiano


  • a red herring (un’aringa rossa) – una pista falsa / un depistaggio

The detective found a lot of documents on the crime scene but they all turned out to be red herrings.

  • to catch someone red-handed (catturare qualcuno con le mani rosse) – prendere qualcuno con le mani nel sacco

Timmy was caught red-handed stealing cakes from his grandma’s cupboard.

  • to paint the town red (dipingere la città di rosso) – fare baldoria

The weekend, at last! We’re finally going to paint the town red!


  • out of the blue (fuori dal blu) – di punto in bianco, inaspettatamente

Jimmy called me on the phone out of the blue yesterday.

The teacher was very angry with us and decided to give us a test out of the blue.

  • once in a blue moon (una volta ogni luna blu) – una volta ogni morte di Papa

I wash my car once in a blue moon.

She visits us only once in a blue moon. We wish we could see her more.


  • green with envy (verde d’invidia) – verde d’invidia

Barbara was green with envy when she found out that her sister had a new boyfriend.

  • to give the green light (dare la luce verde) – dare il via libera

Our project has been given the green light. We can finally start working on our survey.

  • to have a green thumb (avere un pollice verde) – avere il pollice verde, avere talento per il giardinaggio

Josh’s garden is filled with lush vegetation. He really has a green thumb!


  • pitch black (nero assoluto) – buio pesto

We had a power cut last night and since we live in the middle of the woods with no-one around us, everything was pitch black.

  • the pot calling the kettle black (la pentola che dice al bollitore che è nero) – il merlo che dice al corvo che è nero / senti chi parla!

Tommy said his deskmate was cheating in the exam but he had all the answers written on his wrist. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Adesso prova ad esercitarti con questi nuovi modi di dire:

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English Galore Graded Readers B1-B2 è una raccolta di letture graduate per livelli Pre-Intermedio, Intermedio-Alto che potete utilizzare per arricchire il vostro vocabolario, imparare nuovi modi di dire e perché no, scoprire qualche curiosità sull’affascinante mondo delle lingue o della natura!

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